Sunday, August 23, 2015

Recommendation #6: 'Round Trip Baseball Blog

Fun Unknown Fact: When I first started this blog during the Summer of 2013, I had a list of names picked out that I thought might work if I wanted the name to stick with whatever audience I gained or just not sound corny, embarrassing or "lol so random". I'll admit that Andy Todd's Bla Blog is nowhere near the top fifty best names I could have chosen but, at least it's original and semi-inspired.

Here are some names I passed up on...

- Andy Todd's Law Blog (Runner-up to Bla Blog, total ripoff from Arrested Development's Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.)
- Andy Todd's Sportsball Blog (I didn't look it up but, I'm sure somebody out there is using "sportsball blog". Also, I knew it was not going to be just sports. My first blog post was not even close to sports-related.)
- Akili Smith's Donkey Ranch (I love irrelevant sports names of the past [May I interest you in some Chris Barnwell references?] and I felt the need to refer to the blog as a location so, why not a donkey ranch? Maybe... JUST MAYBE, because that would have made no sense at all.)
- Andy Todd's Odd Blog (Todd-odd, I don't know. I was reaching.)
- Todd's Burgers (It's like Bob's Burgers only... ok, I'll show myself out.)

MOVING ON, the reason that I bring this up is because I have another acquaintance in blog land and just like everybody else I know, the name he came up with for his blog is perfection and I'm jealous.

If you want to read up more in-depth than I could ever get on the latest happenings around the terrific sport of beisbol (something I tend to neglect to mention from the deadline until October because football and busy), than this is the blog for you. It might just be Brewer-centric (he is a Milwaukee Brewers fan), it might not even end up being just baseball-centric (although that is doubtful based on the title). All that matters is that it is good stuff and I'm buying stock on this blog in whatever imaginary blog-stock land I can afford it in.

His first post is about the Milwaukee Brewers' trade deadline moves and how, three weeks later, those deals are shaping out.

Without further ado, the 'Round Trip Baseball Blog.

Stay tuned for my Week 2 Preseason Overreactions this week. (Eli looked bad? FIRE TOM COUGHLIN).

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